Feeling the pressure
of every day life?
Learn how you can manage the thoughts, reactions and emotions at the heart of the stress cycle.
Stress can impact all areas of our lives and is complex and can be dangerous if not detected, understood and dealt with appropriately.
Help reduce your stress levels with these techniques
I will work with you so you can learn how to:
- Manage pressure, deadlines, difficult people, and overwhelm
- Separate yourself from your thoughts
- Set boundaries and speak up
- Catch yourself when stress goes off and turn it off
- Avoid thinking traps and catastrophizing
- Control anxiety and sleep better
- Build resilience to manage any challenge
- Leave work at work with work recovery strategies
- Improve Self-Care
Stress affects us all.
There are many things that can cause us stress from time pressures & deadlines, our own behaviours & actions, relational stress & managing conflict, financial stress, stress from a life trauma or event such as a bereavement, break up or house move, work related stress and much more.
Reduce stress for health reasons.
Some stress can be good for us, help us to get things done and act as motivation, but when it builds up and gets out of hand it can cause us long-term physical illness such as anxiety, cardiovascular disease, depression, high blood pressure and a weakened immune system, to name but a few.
Support and strategies to deal with and overcome stress.
Ultimately chronic stress takes it toll on our bodies, minds and spirit.
Overall the long term effect of stress are incredibly unpleasant but they can be reversed and it is important to know that there is always hope and there are things you can do to eliminate or reduce stress from your life.
I offer my clients support and strategies to deal with and overcome stress.
Knowing how to deal with stressful situations more effectively and reduce unnecessary stress and pressure in your life is key to your balance, wellbeing and ultimately peace and contentment.